PHP 8.3.7 Released!


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.1, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

trigger_error Genera un messaggio a livello utente di errore/avviso/avvertimento message


trigger_error(string $error_msg, int $error_type = ?): void

Utilizzata per attivare una condizione di errore utente, può essere usata in congiunzione con il gestore di errore interno, o con una funzione definita dall'utente che sia configurata per essere il nuovo gestore di errore con (set_error_handler()). Funziona soltanto con la famiglia di costanti E_USER, e punta alla predefinita E_USER_NOTICE.

Questa funzione è utile quando sia necessario generare una particolare risposta ad un'eccezione durante l'esecuzione. Per esempio:

if (assert ($divisor == 0))
   trigger_error ("Cannot divide by zero", E_USER_ERROR);


Vedere set_error_handler() per un esempio più esplicativo.

Vedere anche error_reporting(), set_error_handler(), restore_error_handler(), user_error()

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User Contributed Notes 5 notes

someone at attbi dot com
20 years ago
the idea is never to give out file names, line numbers, and cryptic codes to the user. Use trigger_error() after you used set_error_handler() to register your own callback function which either logs or emails the error codes to you, and echo a simple friendly message to the user.

And turn on a more verbose error handler function when you need to debug your scripts. In my init.php scripts I always have:

if (_DEBUG_) {
set_error_handler ('debug_error_handler');
else {
set_error_handler ('nice_error_handler');
Howard Yeend
14 years ago
trigger_error always reports the line and file that trigger_error was called on. Which isn't very useful.


$x = 'test';

function doFunction($var) {
is_numeric($var)) {
/* do some stuff*/
} else {
trigger_error('var must be numeric');

will output "Notice: var must be numeric in functions.php on line 6"
whereas "Notice: var must be numeric in main.php on line 4" would be more useful

here's a function to do that:


function error($message, $level=E_USER_NOTICE) {
$caller = next(debug_backtrace());
trigger_error($message.' in <strong>'.$caller['function'].'</strong> called from <strong>'.$caller['file'].'</strong> on line <strong>'.$caller['line'].'</strong>'."\n<br />error handler", $level);

So now in our example:

$x = 'test';

function doFunction($var) {
is_numeric($var)) {
/* do some stuff*/
} else {
error('var must be numeric');

error($message, $level=E_USER_NOTICE) {
$caller = next(debug_backtrace());
trigger_error($message.' in <strong>'.$caller['function'].'</strong> called from <strong>'.$caller['file'].'</strong> on line <strong>'.$caller['line'].'</strong>'."\n<br />error handler", $level);

now outputs:

"Notice: var must be numeric in doFunction called from main.php on line 4"
richard at 2006 dot atterer dot net
18 years ago
Beware, trigger_error() is absolutely useless for transporting your own function's error messages in $php_errormsg:

ini_set('track_errors', TRUE);
function x() { trigger_error('MY ERROR'); }
echo "Error 1: \\"$php_errormsg\\"\\n";
echo "Error 2: \\"$php_errormsg\\"\\n";

This outputs:

Error 1: ""
Error 2: "failed to open stream: No such file or directory"

This behaviour is consistent with the description of $php_errormsg, which says that the variable will only be available within the scope in which the error occurred. The problem can be worked around with a custom error handler like the one below. However, I'm undecided whether changing the language in this way is good:

function errHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) {
global $php_errormsg; $php_errormsg = $errstr;
aydin dot kn12 at gmail dot com
9 years ago
If error_type is E_USER_ERROR then trigger_error throw FATAL ERROR and script stopped after this line.


= 'This is the test message for echo';

trigger_error('Error message', E_USER_ERROR); // Script stopped after this line...

echo $msg; // This line does not appear...

13 years ago
For those of you looking to use your own file or line number in the error (possibly using debug_backtrace()) instead of the ones created by trigger_error(), here is a solution:
Create a custom function to handle E_USER_ERRORs that simply outputs the error type and message, while excluding the line number and file trigger_error() reports. You may also configure it to handle user warnings and notices if necessary (I did in the example below).

function error_handler($level, $message, $file, $line, $context) {
//Handle user errors, warnings, and notices ourself
if($level === E_USER_ERROR || $level === E_USER_WARNING || $level === E_USER_NOTICE) {
'<strong>Error:</strong> '.$message;
true); //And prevent the PHP error handler from continuing
false); //Otherwise, use PHP's error handler

trigger_my_error($message, $level) {
//Get the caller of the calling function and details about it
$callee = next(debug_backtrace());
//Trigger appropriate error
trigger_error($message.' in <strong>'.$callee['file'].'</strong> on line <strong>'.$callee['line'].'</strong>', $level);

//Use our custom handler

//Demo usage:
function abc($str) {
is_string($str)) {
trigger_my_error('abc() expects parameter 1 to be a string', E_USER_ERROR);

abc('Hello world!'); //Works
abc(18); //Error: abc() expects parameter 1 to be a string in [FILE].php on line 31

This is a pretty simple concept and I'm sure most of you know this, but for those that don't, let it serve as a good example!
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